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jeszcze jedno, o ile w ogóle warto komentowac twój bełkot, może nie warto ale kogoś innego to zainteresuje, informacje o Chinach są z ksiązki Arifa Dirlika "Anarchism in the Chinese Revolution"
np s. 17:
"To appreciate the significance for anarchists of these new developments, we must remember that there were no committed Marxists or Marxian Communists in China in 1919. A Communist political identity would not assume recognizable form among Chinese radicals until after the establishment of a Communist political organization in the late 1920. As of 1919, Chinese radicals, including the later founders of the Communist Party (with the sole exception of Chen Duxiu), displayed a diffuse radicalism in which anarchist ideas were most prominent; communism was still understood as anarcho-communism. Also, anarchists were still the most readily identifiable group on the social revolutionary Left."


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