Istnienie klas społecznych często pomijane jest w mediach główno-nurtowych, a jeżeli już pada termin „klasa” trudno nie odnieść wrażenia, że na świeci...
Po raz 44 spotykamy się na łamach anarchistycznego periodyku „Inny Świat”. Tym razem, nieco szerzej, podjęliśmy dwa, a nawet trzy tematy... Niejako te...
Tureckie władze w osobie prezydenta Erdoğana rozpoczęły zmasowaną kampanię prześladowania zamieszkałej w tym kraju mniejszości kurdyjskiej. Wszystko z...
Jak blisko jesteśmy nienawiści Niemców lat trzydziestych do „obcych”? W ostatnią sobotę zorganizowano manifestacje skierowane przeciwko uchodźcom z kr...
Bardzo duża część uchodźców, przedstawianych jako Syryjczycy, jest tak naprawdę Kurdami, zamieszkującymi Syrię. Kurdowie od lat toczą walkę o stworzen...
16.38 Police lined up around the square, looks like they are getting ready for another attack.
16.35 Report from Greek Indymedia: while the anti-authoritarian/anarchist groups were fighting with the pame security forces at the upper side of the syntagma square, riot cops tried to attack them from the lower side. Then people from base syndicates, ultra left (a trotskyist group called EEK), the union of workers who support drug addicts and other demonstrators blocked the riot cops and this way helped the anarchists who were fighting the stalinists.
16.21 Large groups have started occupying the lower side of syntagma square and numbers are growing, coming in from the side streets. Syntagma square is full again with PAME members at the upper side in front of the parliament and the other demonstrators (base syndicates, union groups, ultra-left, anti-authoritarians) at the lower side.
16.09 Thousands of members of PAME in front of the parliament. Police pulled back from the lower parts of Syntagma, smaller groups of anti-authoritarians, base syndicates and ultra left entering the square. Most union demonstrators still blocked in the side streets.
15.58 Demonstrator watching the riots two streets from Syntagma.
15.49 Most demonstrators now pushed out of the square and into the side streets. People are still trying to get back into the square but the riot police and the Stalinists are blocking access.
15.30 At least 20 demonstrators have been injured by the clashes. The Stalinists have handed demonstrators to the police. At least two Stalinists have been burnt by molotovs. Clashes continue at Mitropoleos Street.
15.38 Police have now taken all of the lower part of the Syntagma Square and the Stalinists have the upper part.
15.27 Full-on police attack to clear Syntagma. Large crowd pushed down Ermou street.
15.18 Incredible scenes – generalised violence across much of Syntagma. More molotovs and stones thrown at the Stalinists crowd.
15.15 Police now try to enter the square from Stadiou and to trap the anarchists.
14.59 The clashes are escalating. Molotov thrown into Stalinist crowd.
14.52 Clashes continue as protestors try and reach the parliament. The clashes are severe, flares shot straight into the crowd.
14.47 Generalised clashes between hundreds of anarchists and Stalinists in Syntagma. Stones, bottles and flares are thrown. Protestors trying to break through PAME lines to reach the parliament.
14.44 A huge anarchist block now attacking Stalinist lines. They are face to face by the Great Britain Hotel in Syntagma. Police firing teargas.
13.14 Once again the stalinist trade union, PAME, has lined up before the police (!) not allowing people to get anywhere close to them, or to parliament.
Protest przeciwko zawłaszczaniu tegorocznego marszu antyfaszystowskiego 11 listopada przez partię Razem i współpracujące z nią organizacje, podpisaneg...
Manchester Solidarity Federation sprzeciwia się zarówno opcji "in" jak i "out". W sprawie referendum dotyczącego członkostwa w Unii Europejskiej wyraż...
Nie należy jednak zbyt na to liczyć. Można być niemal pewnym, iż żaden uczony nie ośmieli się dziś traktować człowieka tak, jak traktuje królika; trze...
Mówiłem już, gdzie szukać zasadniczej praktycznej przyczyny potężnego jeszcze obecnie oddziaływania wierzeń religijnych na masy ludowe. Owe właściwe i...
W dniach 25-26 czerwca, anarchosyndykaliści spotkali się na konferencji pod Madrytem, by omówić powstanie nowej federacji i utworzenie na nowo anarch...
„Omawiając działalność i rolę anarchistów w rewolucji, Kropotkin powiedział: ‘My, anarchiści rozmawialiśmy dużo o rewolucjach, ale niewielu z nas zost...
Jak się okazuje, kulturalne elity zaczęły dyskutować o warunkach pracy w restauracjach i barach, gdzie są stałymi bywalcami. Pomimo faktu, że wiele sz...
normalka, stalinowcy
normalka, stalinowcy spełniają swoją zwykłą rolę
16.38 Police lined up around the square, looks like they are getting ready for another attack.
16.35 Report from Greek Indymedia: while the anti-authoritarian/anarchist groups were fighting with the pame security forces at the upper side of the syntagma square, riot cops tried to attack them from the lower side. Then people from base syndicates, ultra left (a trotskyist group called EEK), the union of workers who support drug addicts and other demonstrators blocked the riot cops and this way helped the anarchists who were fighting the stalinists.
16.21 Large groups have started occupying the lower side of syntagma square and numbers are growing, coming in from the side streets. Syntagma square is full again with PAME members at the upper side in front of the parliament and the other demonstrators (base syndicates, union groups, ultra-left, anti-authoritarians) at the lower side.
16.09 Thousands of members of PAME in front of the parliament. Police pulled back from the lower parts of Syntagma, smaller groups of anti-authoritarians, base syndicates and ultra left entering the square. Most union demonstrators still blocked in the side streets.
15.58 Demonstrator watching the riots two streets from Syntagma.
15.49 Most demonstrators now pushed out of the square and into the side streets. People are still trying to get back into the square but the riot police and the Stalinists are blocking access.
15.30 At least 20 demonstrators have been injured by the clashes. The Stalinists have handed demonstrators to the police. At least two Stalinists have been burnt by molotovs. Clashes continue at Mitropoleos Street.
15.38 Police have now taken all of the lower part of the Syntagma Square and the Stalinists have the upper part.
15.27 Full-on police attack to clear Syntagma. Large crowd pushed down Ermou street.
15.18 Incredible scenes – generalised violence across much of Syntagma. More molotovs and stones thrown at the Stalinists crowd.
15.15 Police now try to enter the square from Stadiou and to trap the anarchists.
14.59 The clashes are escalating. Molotov thrown into Stalinist crowd.
14.52 Clashes continue as protestors try and reach the parliament. The clashes are severe, flares shot straight into the crowd.
14.47 Generalised clashes between hundreds of anarchists and Stalinists in Syntagma. Stones, bottles and flares are thrown. Protestors trying to break through PAME lines to reach the parliament.
14.44 A huge anarchist block now attacking Stalinist lines. They are face to face by the Great Britain Hotel in Syntagma. Police firing teargas.
13.14 Once again the stalinist trade union, PAME, has lined up before the police (!) not allowing people to get anywhere close to them, or to parliament.