Dodaj nową odpowiedź


Nie mam żadnego stopnia naukowego z języka angielskiego, ale tekst do ministerstwa trzeba poprawić. Moja propozycja nie jest pewnie wolna od błędów, więc niech lepiej wyedukowani zgłaszają swoje poprawki:

Half a year passed since the May protests during the European Social Forum in Athens. Through all this time Tarasios Zantorozniy and Gerasimos Iriakopoulos are kept in prison, charged with participation in a riot. For a few weeks they carry on a hunger strike, demanding their release. Their condition is dramatical- prolonging of the hunger strike can lead them to death. In this situation we demand the Greek authorities to release both of them immediately. Should no reaction take place, which will inevitably lead to death of the hunger strikers, all the responsibility for this will fall on the Greek government and other organs of power.


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