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ciekawe spojrzenie na ACTA z

ciekawe spojrzenie na ACTA z ekonomiczno-anarchistycznego punktu widzenia - przymusowe narzucanie sztucznej rzadkości dóbr które wcale nie są rzadkie, w celu odnoszenia z nich zysków (teoretycznie powinny być darmowe skoro nie są rzadkie)

These qualities make knowledge a somewhat problematic commodity. It is a commodity that can be copied infinitely, and so after the initial production, displays no real scarcity. In virtually every economic theory, from Marxism to marginalism, the price of such a good should be effectively zero. It is only through some sort of regime of imposed scarcity that such a commodity can be given an appreciable price.

The basis for intellectual property (IP) trade is thereby undermined by its intrinsic nature. The extent to which this is a crisis for producers can easily be seen in the counterfeiting markets which occur everywhere from Haifa to Hong Kong. This good, while a seemingly perfect candidate for international trade, has slipped through the fingers of capital.

Capitalist investors in content production, including Hollywood, the record companies, the software companies, the e-book production companies, purveyors of financial reports and others, have had some success in controlling the free exchange of information within the borders of the nation state. At least they have done so to the extent that they can report significant profits. This has been achieved by employing the legal apparatus to ensure compliance with a system of arbitrary scarcity. Scarcity is imposed by threat of criminality and fines.

The solution advocated by capital, in ACTA or whatever treaty is eventually adopted, is to create a system for imposing such a regime internationally. The simplest mechanism is to place liability on the internet service providers, making them the de facto enforcers of the system of scarcity.


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