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kościół w Hiszpanii był

kościół w Hiszpanii był podporą totalitaryzmu i kolejnych prawicowych reżimów pod wieloma względami od ekonomii i polityki po represje w czasie wojny i po niej np księża brali udział w zbrodniach wyciągając informacje na spowiedzi i donosząc na ludzi których potem mordowano

Poza tym wyszła jakaś nowa ksiązka na temat wojny w Hiszpanii Paul Preston "The Spanish Holocaust"

In quashing democracy and timid agricultural reform, and in restoring the traditional hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church, the army, big landowners and an authoritarian state, the Spanish version of fascism was very much a fundamentalist movement. And like so many political and religious fundamentalisms, it had a particular ferocity toward women. Franco’s troops practiced gang rape to frighten newly captured towns into submission, and until media-savvy superiors silenced them, his officers even boasted about this to American and British correspondents. Tens of thousands of women had their heads shaved and were force-fed castor oil (a powerful laxative), then jeered as they were paraded through the streets soiling themselves. Many had their breasts branded with the Falangist symbol of yoke and arrows. In Toledo, a United Press correspondent reported, Franco’s soldiers shot more than 20 pregnant women from a maternity hospital. Much larger all-female groups were executed elsewhere. Troops marched through one town waving rifles adorned with the underwear of women they had raped and murdered. “It is necessary to spread terror,” one of Franco’s senior generals declared. “We have to create the impression of mastery, eliminating without scruples or hesitation all those who do not think as we do.”


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