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czemu nie ma nawet wzmianki

czemu nie ma nawet wzmianki o IWW organizowaniu się razem białych i czarnych robotników na początku XX wieku?

Race and Anarchy

The IWW had had an important impact on the radical left, militant white workers, and workers of colour in South Africa in the 1910s, an influence that persisted into the 1920s in a diluted form in the ICU, and even spread into neighbouring colonies.

Can we say, then, as our detractors do, that classical anarchism and revolutionary syndicalism "ignored" race? Not at all!

Within a white dominion, within the British Empire, within colonial Africa, the IWW and the revolutionary syndicalism it exemplified and promoted had played a pioneering role in organising workers of colour, in defending the rights of African labour, in organising civil rights activities, a militancy that spilled into the African working classes of neighbouring countries.

In its "glorious period," between the 1880s and 1930s, anarchism and revolutionary syndicalism were not just a European" phenomenon. The anti-authoritarian left was an international movement. It was also internationalist and anti-racist.

A History of the IWW in South Africa


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