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Anti-regime gunmen killed 16 civilians, mostly Alawis and Christians, in an attack on Tuesday at a housing compound for power company employees near Homs, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

"Armed men stormed the Jandar Residential Compound, firing indiscriminately and killing 16 Syrians, among them six Christians, six Alawis - including the compound director - and four Sunnis," said Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman.

Abdel Rahman said the Jandar Power Station employs Syrians, as well as foreigners, mainly from Iran and Japan, who live with their families at the compound in Jandar village, about 30 kilometers from the central Syrian city of Homs.

"The village and its surrounding areas are Sunni," he added.

Abdel Rahman did not give more details on the killings and did not call the deaths a massacre.


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