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To raczej ty nie wiesz o czym mówisz albo kłamiesz. 70 000 ofiar pochodzi z krajów słabiej rozwinietych z zakazem aborcji i obie te rzeczy mają wpływ, jak widać w przypadku Nikaragui po zaostrzeniu zakazu

"Virtually all abortions in Africa and in Latin America and the Caribbean were unsafe," says the report. In Asia, safe procedures outnumbered unsafe because of the large number of legal abortions in China. Most of those in Europe and almost all in North America were safe.

But in three countries, Poland, El Salvador and Nicaragua, tougher legislation has been introduced, the latter two prohibiting abortion even when the woman's life is at risk.

"We have seen an increase in women's deaths and teenage suicides in Nicaragua," said Dr Kelly Culwell, of the International Planned Parenthood Federation at the report's launch.


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