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zależy których bo w EDL z

zależy których bo w EDL z UK sa hajlujący hitlerowcy i syjoniści

The English Defence League, the Jewish division and the useful idiots

But when I heard that there were Jews actively supporting the English Defence League (EDL), I thought: "pull the other one". The EDL claims to stand up for Englishness against Islamic extremism, but in truth it is largely a hodgepodge of football hooligans, lumpen boot-boys and cast-offs from seedy neo-Nazi outfits, such as Combat 18.

Mark Gardner, CST communications director, confirms that Jews are running with the EDL: “The Jewish branch is a tiny part of a far larger movement, dominated by white males who would previously have made up National Front marches and English football hooligan gangs."

"Our members are not hooligans. We are educated people with jobs," said Ms Moore. "If we defend ourselves is that hooliganism? The Jewish community sit in their houses and do nothing. They will enjoy the benefits of our actions." Commonplace EDL "actions" include the frequent use of the Sieg Heil salute by members of the rag-tag mob.


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