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Tołstoj spotkał się z Proudhonem akurat po napisaniu przez niego Wojny i pokoju, pewnie wtedy te poglądy zaczęły się kształtować na patriotyzm czy nacjonalizm jako przeszkodę w rozwoju wolności, poglądy na własność i państwo

Tolstoy's links with anarchists of other types were few but important. In 1857 he read some unspecified work of Proudhon (probably What Is Property?), and the notes he was stimulated to write at this time suggest that the French anarchist had already influenced him profoundly. 'Nationalism is the one single bar to the growth of freedom,' he commented. And even more significantly he added: 'All governments are in equal measure good and evil. The best ideal is anarchy.' Early in 1862, on a trip to western Europe, he went out of his way to visit Proudhon in Brussels. They talked of education -- much on Tolstoy's mind at this period -- and Tolstoy later recollected that Proudhon was 'the only man who understood in our time the significance of public education and of the printing press'. They also talked of Proudhon's book, La guerre et la paix, which was on the point of completion when Tolstoy called; there is little doubt that Tolstoy took much more than the title of his greatest novel from this treatise on the roots and [208] evolution of war in the social psyche rather than in the decisions of political and military leaders.


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