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Czytelnik CIA (niezweryfikowane), Nie, 2014-02-09 09:04
postulaty pracowników i obywateli Tuzli są ciekawe - rząd odwoływalny przez obywateli jeśli nie przyjmą cotygodniowego sprawozdania, prawie jak anarchizm ;)
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Workers and citizens’ proclamation after the resignation of the government of Tuzla Canton
Today in Tuzla a new future is created! The government has submitted his resignation, which was the first demand of the demonstrators and thus creates conditions for further solving of the existing problems and the fulfillment of the rest of the workers’ demands.
Accumulated anger and rage are causes of the violent behavior. The attitude of the authorities has led to the fact that the situation in Tuzla escalated. Now, in this new situation, we have to focus this anger and rage on building a productive and useful system of government.
We invite all citizens to support the implementation of these demands:
1. Maintaining public order in cooperation of citizens, police and the civil protection, to avoid any criminalization, politicization and manipulation of any protests.
2. Establishing a technical government, made up of professional, non-political party members, uncompromised people, who have not had a single mandate in any level of government, which would lead the Tuzla canton to the election of 2014. This Government shall have the duty to submit weekly plans and reports on the activities and achieve the given objectives. Work of the Government will be monitored by all interested citizens.
3. Resolve, by emergency procedure, the questions of regularity of the privatization of the following companies: “Dita”, “Polihem”, “Poliolhem”, “GUMARA” and “Konjuh”, and:
◦ bind the length of service and ensure health care for the workers;
◦ prosecute the economic criminals and all the actors who participated in it;
◦ seize illegally acquired assets;
◦ annul the privatization contracts;
◦ do a revision of privatization;
◦ return the factories to the workers and place them under the control of public authorities in order to safeguard the public interest, and start production in those factories where possible.
5. Balancing the salaries of government representatives to the salaries of employees in the public and private sectors.
6. Cancellation of additional payments to the representatives of government, as personal income, on the basis of participation in commissions, committees and other bodies, as well as other unreasonable and unjustified compensations that workers in the public and private sectors don’t have.
7. The abolition of wage to ministers and possibly other government officials, who are getting wage payments after the expiration or termination of their mandate.
This Proclamation is brought by the workers and citizens of Tuzla Canton, for the good of us all.
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postulaty pracowników i
postulaty pracowników i obywateli Tuzli są ciekawe - rząd odwoływalny przez obywateli jeśli nie przyjmą cotygodniowego sprawozdania, prawie jak anarchizm ;)
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Workers and citizens’ proclamation after the resignation of the government of Tuzla Canton
Today in Tuzla a new future is created! The government has submitted his resignation, which was the first demand of the demonstrators and thus creates conditions for further solving of the existing problems and the fulfillment of the rest of the workers’ demands.
Accumulated anger and rage are causes of the violent behavior. The attitude of the authorities has led to the fact that the situation in Tuzla escalated. Now, in this new situation, we have to focus this anger and rage on building a productive and useful system of government.
We invite all citizens to support the implementation of these demands:
1. Maintaining public order in cooperation of citizens, police and the civil protection, to avoid any criminalization, politicization and manipulation of any protests.
2. Establishing a technical government, made up of professional, non-political party members, uncompromised people, who have not had a single mandate in any level of government, which would lead the Tuzla canton to the election of 2014. This Government shall have the duty to submit weekly plans and reports on the activities and achieve the given objectives. Work of the Government will be monitored by all interested citizens.
3. Resolve, by emergency procedure, the questions of regularity of the privatization of the following companies: “Dita”, “Polihem”, “Poliolhem”, “GUMARA” and “Konjuh”, and:
◦ bind the length of service and ensure health care for the workers;
◦ prosecute the economic criminals and all the actors who participated in it;
◦ seize illegally acquired assets;
◦ annul the privatization contracts;
◦ do a revision of privatization;
◦ return the factories to the workers and place them under the control of public authorities in order to safeguard the public interest, and start production in those factories where possible.
5. Balancing the salaries of government representatives to the salaries of employees in the public and private sectors.
6. Cancellation of additional payments to the representatives of government, as personal income, on the basis of participation in commissions, committees and other bodies, as well as other unreasonable and unjustified compensations that workers in the public and private sectors don’t have.
7. The abolition of wage to ministers and possibly other government officials, who are getting wage payments after the expiration or termination of their mandate.
This Proclamation is brought by the workers and citizens of Tuzla Canton, for the good of us all.
7th February of 2014