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Na czym polega ten "antysemityzm i rasizm" PSPU? Jakieś konkrety? Bo na Wiki stoi, że
The Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine (PSPU) is a communist party in Ukraine. The party was created by Nataliya Vitrenko a then dissident member of the Socialist Party of Ukraine (SPU) in April 1996.[4] She led a group of more radical SPU members who opposed what they regarded as revisionist tendencies in the Socialist Party. The Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine is a radical left-wing party that supports the Eurasian Union as an alternative to the EU.
A co do czetników, to ich na Krym dotarło dokładnie PIĘCIU, tak więc bez histerii.
PS. Nie jestem zwolennikiem Putina i anszlusu Krymu, jakby co.


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