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While cooperation is common in many species, Homo sapiens is exceptional in that in humans cooperation extends beyond close genealogical kin to include even total strangers, and occurs on a much larger scale than other species except for the social insects.

Ten cytat i kolejne są z kolejnej ciekawej książki (też do ściągniecia z internetu):

Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis
Princeton University Press 2011

Here is Christopher Boehm's (2007) summary, based on the common characteristics of the 154 foraging societies (about half of those in the ethnographic record) thought to approximate ancestral “highly mobile. . . storage-free economic systems”: These highly cooperative nomadic multi-family bands typically contain some unrelated families, and band size, while seasonably variable, seems to be around 20–30 individuals with families often moving from one band to another. Band social life is politically egalitarian in that there is always a low tolerance by a group’s mature males for one of their number dominating, bossing, or denigrating the others. . . economic life also tends to be quite egalitarian because of nomadism and a strong sharing ethic which damps selfish and nepotistic tendencies. . . regional social networks exist. . . [and] socially or militarily facilitated group defense of resources is far from infrequent. . . Drastic resource unpredictability, another likely factor [contributing to group conflict] could have been especially important in the changeable Pleistocene.

Zwłaszcza zwróć uwagę na egalitaryzm i niską tolerancję grupy wobec silniejszych jednostek ktore probują zdominować innych. Grupy ludzi broniły się przed nimi i broniłyy się przed "ścisłą hierarchią" w takim sensie jak jÄ… rozumiesz. Tak samo broniły się przed egoistycznymi tendencjami.

Masz archaiczne (żeby nei powiedzieć zapleśniałe) poglądy na kooperację i konkurencje, wymyślone w XVIII wieku przez filozofów w rodzaju Hobbesa.
Śmieszne że wspomniałeś o Atlantydzie, bo Atlantyda jako "państwo a bezwzględnej hierarchii" wymyślił sobie Platon w ramach swoich antydemokratycznych poglądów. Tzn robił dokładnie to co ty, zbudował sobie mityczną przeszłość.

The growing interest in generous and civic-minded predispositions in the social sciences has been paralleled in biology, where the evolution of cooperative behavior, in the opinion of the editors of Science, is one of the top 25 questions facing scientists today (Kennedy et al. 2005). Biological classics such as Konrad Lorenz (1963) On Aggression and Richard Dawkins' (1976) The Selfish Gene have now been joined by works whose titles signal the shift in attention: Good Natured, by Frans de Waal (1997),
Mother Nature, by Sarah Hrdy (2000), The Moral Animal, by Robert Wright (1995), Origin of Virtue, by Matt Ridley (1998), Unto Others, by Elliot Sober and David Sloan Wilson (1998), Altruistically Inclined? by Alexander Field (2004), The Genial Gene: Deconstructing Darwinian Selfishness, by Joan Roughgarden (2009), and Moral Origins: Social Selection and the Evolution of Virtue, Altruism, and Shame, by Christopher Boehm (2011).

These recent works are reminiscent of Pyotr Kropotkin's Mutual Aid a century earlier, a book that had advanced a kinder, gentler view of the evolutionary process in opposition to the then popular dog-eat-dog Social Darwinist claims about what natural selection entails for human behavior. The moral, generous, and civic-minded predispositions documented in these works and in the pages that follow show that evolution can not only foster self-interest but also promote the generous and ethical behaviors
that help us escape the prisoner's dilemma and avert the tragedy of the commons, and that permit us to sustain the hope for a society committed to freedom and justice for all.

Nauka wychodzi ze ślepej uliczki Huxleya i wraca do Kropotkina. Po prostu masz poglądy charakterystyczne dla ubiegłego stulecia ;)


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