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Who say that it made, who that saw, we share photographs and we draw conclusions. Fourth sequential time made for itself the conclusion that the leaders of opposition - filth are sheerest.

Summary from

Summing up the sums of this measure, it is possible with the entire responsibility to say that the protest movement of Belarus, completely privatized liberal and national-democratic by bureaucracy, is trampled down on the spot.

Those, who from the middle of the 90th taxi opposition, could not even extract serious benefit from protest actions of past spring [early 2006], connected with the elections. All this runs against the thought, that in our country acts the systematic opposition, which is completely contented by its co-existence with the authority.

But that? Money from the West exist, the image of "zmagaroў" exists, authority inside its parties exists. What still must- that?

But fate does not disturb young people, which emerges on their area. It is not enough that the leaders of parties not can between themselves agree about such elementary things as the plan of actions, the place of meeting up, etc., so they still and substitute thus of series activists and usual protesting. All this cannot but cause an increase in the dissatisfaction among the usual people, the visitors of protest measures. Not for whom not secret that only small percentage of them they are the convinced liberals or by nationalists. In majority its these are young people, which get tired of suffering arbitrariness, lawlessness, the absence of any civil liberties and the marasmus of authority.

However, judging from the fact, that the black form and rubber bludgeon cause in this young people panicky, almost animal fear - to suffer to it, yes even for all for us, it is necessary still very for long.


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