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Rzecznicy prasowe

Bardzo trudno miec "rzecznicy prasowe". Nie mówią "od siebie", tylko są traktowani jak głos większośći czy jako głowne organizatorzy. Nie wiadomo do końca co powiedział Manfred Stenner, bo gazety piszą inaczej. W polskiej prasie jest ten fragment jego wypowiedzi:

Organizatorzy manifestacji skrytykowali awanturników za sprowokowanie zajść. Rzecznik szerokiego sojuszu organizacji odpowiedzialnego za manifestację Manfred Stenner oświadczył, że policja dotrzymała wcześniejszych ustaleń i starała się nie dopuścić do eskalacji wydarzeń. - Zamieszek nie można niczym usprawiedliwić - powiedział Stenner.

Jako pacyfysta, oczywiście powiedział, że nie można niczym usprawiedliwić przemocy.

Teraz media w Niemczech pisze, że przemoc był z strony "demonstrantów cudzoziemców". Tak powiedział Ratz z ATTACu.

"There is absolutely no justification for violence against other people," Manfred Stenner, peace activist and co-organizer of the demonstration, on Saturday evening following the riots.

There was speculation on Saturday evening that the violence had come from anarchists who traveled to Rostock from abroad. Werner Rätz, another co-organizer from the anti-globalization group Attac, said, "in any case, the behavior of many anarchists, in the way they continually chased the police, was atypical for German groups."

Others, however, weren't in the mood to be so charitable. Monty Schädel, who registered the Rostock demonstration, is furious with those who ignited the violence, but is also no less irate with the police. "What do you want, you asshole?" one policeman demanded of him, he says, when he sought to intercede. "Then he shoved me away." Looking exhausted, he went on. "There wasn't much in the way of de-escalation to be seen."

Police and protest organizers Sunday laid the blame for the riot that erupted during an anti-G8 rally in the German port of Rostock on groups bent on violence that had infiltrated the largely peaceful demonstrators.
Police spokesman Axel Falkenberg put the number of arrests at 125, adding that many of the violent elements had come from outside Germany.

Among the arrested were protestors from Austria, Bulgaria, France, Japan, Russia, Spain and Sweden, he said.

Workers clearing the streets early Sunday had found tear gas cannisters bearing Cyrillic script, Falkenberg said.
Manfred Stenner of the Action Alliance said police had maintained a "de-escalatory stance."

But Monty Schaedel, spokesman for the Rostock Action Alliance, called the police response "clumsy and unprofessional."


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