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Czeczenscy bojownicy

Czeczenscy bojownicy otrzymaili takie oswiadczenie (i uwazaja to za akcje FSB):

The Statement of the National Socialist Party of Russia

Our party is military vanguard of National Socialistic struggle.

1. We are announcing a beginning by our party an armed struggle against black colonists and those who support them from Russian officials.

2. We consider the necessity of expulsion of Caucasians and Asians from the territory of Russia.

3. We consider the necessity of giving independence to all the republics of the Caucasus (including Chechnya) with the expulsion of whole Caucasian population of Russia there.

4. We demand to release National Socialists from Russian prisons and to stop the persecution against Maksim Martsinevich.

4. We demand from President putin (in the statement the name was written with lowercase - KC) to resign and hand all power to the National Socialist government, which should be formed by Dmitry Germanovich Rumyantsev, the leader of the National Socialist society of Russia.

5. We recognize the political leadership of a National Socialist Society (NSS), we are the armed wing, operating independently.

6. We would not stop struggling until the power is not handed to the National Socialist government.


Zawartość tego pola nie będzie udostępniana publicznie.


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