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Here's the CNN Transcript

Here's the CNN Transcript before Meyer was tasered with the stun gun at the University of Florida:

"How did you concede the election on the day? How did you concede the 2004 election on the day? And this book is one of five million books that have expressed that you won the election; didn't you want to be president? I'm so--- I'm not even done yet. I have two more questions. If you are so against Iran, how come you're not saying, "Let's impeach Bush now"? Impeach Bush now, before we even invade Iran. Why don't we impeach him? Impeach Bush. Also, are you a member, were you a member of Skull and Bones in college with Bush? Were you in the same secret society as Bush? Were you in Skull and Bo--- Thank you for cutting my mic. Thank you. Are you going to arrest me? Excuse me! Excuse me! What are you arresting me for?


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