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Ruch Wyzwolenia Delty Nigru wypowiada wojne nafciarzom.


Ruch Wyzwolenia Delty Nigru (MEND), mała ale dobrze uzbrojona grupa niedawno wypowiedziała wojne rządowi i przedsiębiorstwom naftowym aby uznały "słuszny" rozwój i sprawiedliwośc "środowiska". Od wtedy MEND zniszczył 25% potencjału naftowego Nigerii pchając w górę ceny ropy na świecie. Rzecznik MEND Jomo Gbomo wysłał dwa komunikaty Filadelfijskiemu Wolnemu Dziennikarzowi Peter'owi Bloom'owi oświadczając: "Od 12 w południe dziś, w niedziele 23 2007 roku rozpoczniemy ataki na instalacje (trudno przetłumaczyc, infrastrukture nafciarską) i porwania (tych, którzy wyjechali ze swojego kraju tu - nie da sie w jednym słowie).

Komunikat 1:
On Monday, September 3, 2007 at about 1400hrs Angola time, two Nigerians were arrested at the Luanda airport on their return to South Africa from a business trip where they had gone to inquire about the purchase of a fishing trawler. One of the individuals Henry Okah, a silent player in the niger delta struggle and part of the on-going peace process was framed by the Nigerian government in collaboration with some oil majors notably chevron who have always seen his position as uncompromising.
Komunikat 2:
"With effect from 12 midnight today, Sunday 23, 2007, we will commence attacks on installations and abduction of expatriates."

Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) a little understood but well equipped group recently declared full-scale war against oil companies and the government if their demands of equitable development and environmental justice are not met. Since that time the MEND has destroyed nearly 25% of Nigeria's oil producing capacity, consequently pushing up gas prices worldwide. MEND Spokesperson Jomo Gbomo sent two recent communiqués to Philadelphia Independent Journalist Peter Bloom declaring "With effect from 12 midnight today, Sunday 23, 2007, we will commence attacks on installations and abduction of expatriates."


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