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Update on Anti-Shield actions in Poland

On March 29th 2008 Polish peace activists from the Campaign Against Militarism, a loose network of libertarian and environmental groups including Greenpeace and the Anarchist Federation, will stage a demonstration against the planned deployment of 10 US ground based anti-ballistic missile interceptors on Polish soil.

The action will take place in the city of Slupsk, Northern Poland and in the small town of Redzikowo nearby, which is host to the disused ex-Soviet military airbase and increasingly likely future location for US missiles, just 150 kilometres from Russian Federation borders.

Street theatre, a samba band, an open mike for discussions in public squares, food not bombs, film screenings on the missiles and on the topic of militarism are amongst the activities being organised. Long-time military resister, Ploughshares activist, peace prisoner and Catholic Worker Ciaron O'Reilly ('Reilly) from Australia will also attend the protest and address those present on global resistance to US militarism and nuclear weaponry. O'Reilly has served over 2 years in US, British, Australian and Irish jails for nonviolent resistance to militarism.

People who are interested in staging direct actions at the proposed US military base will engage in a 4 km peace walk from Slupsk to Redzikowo, risking confrontation with the police and/or military as they hunt for US weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). Discussions with local people, delivering leaflets and newspapers to local residents will take place simultaneously as those who walk to the base demand it remain out of the hands of warmongerers.

The base is completely insecure at the moment and protestors intend to highlight that it can neither
a) be secured from those who do not accept war profiteers lust for a renewed arms race and desire for WMDs
b) is the violent and provocative means of these proposed missiles the appropriate way to secure peace for Polish people or Europeans at large.

Viable alternatives for the site, for instance, include the State using taxpayers money to invest in infrastructure to reopen the base as a local civilian airstrip. This is just one proposal viewed as being more likely to serve the local public interest. The area has long being neglected by successive governments, similar to the area of Trokavec in the Czech Republic, likely site for the related radar component of the system.

Investment in quality health, education, industrial employment training and provision is long overdue to meet the socio-economic needs of the local population and to prevent the negative effects of rural and small urban emigration. Therefore, locals remain highly sceptical about how a US base for WMDs built to oppose an alleged threat which their own government even admits doesn't currently exist will serve their needs.

Recent polls in Poland released by State television claim that 50% are against, 36% support while 14% are unsure. When compared to a poll conducted 12 months ago for the daily broadsheet Rzeczpospolita (Republic), those who support (moderately or strongly) the proposal has grown by 6%, those against has fallen by 1% while members of the public who remain unsure fell by 5% to 14%. Opinions are being crystallised, the government propaganda machine is on full steam ahead but the voices and arguments of the majority, those opposed, remain marginalised by the mainstream media.

The militarisation of Poland with U.S. support is in full swing through its efforts to host a NATO base (failing due to disagreements on costs), recent purchasing of 48 F-16's and C-130 cargo planes, and deployments of troops for the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions and ongoing occupations. Earlier this month the new Polish government reached an agreement in principle with the US administration for the provision of a bolstered air defence system in return for support of the shield, so the anti-missile defence system should be seen as just one component of Poland's ever-increasing lust for armaments and shoulder rubbing with the US empire.

As anti-militarism activists we reject government claims that this increase in weaponry will ensure Polish security and instead demand revenue be allocated to wages for striking public sector workers including nurses, doctors, teachers and miners. It is, afterall, the profits from our labour which they are blowing on destructive technology.

On March 15th, the Polish Stop the War Coalition will hold a march in Warsaw, descending upon parliament and the US embassy in protest against the planned US 'defense shield' and the ongoing participation of Polish troops in the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. A wide range of peace and leftist groups are expected to turn out.

We appeal to friends abroad to organise vigils, demos. outside US military bases, Polish/US embassies, or any other relevant site (e.g. Boeing, who are likely to win the full contract for the shield) on March 29th and/or to refer organisations you are involved with about the resistance taking place in Poland.

For more info. on the March 29th Polish action against the missile shield system, how to get there, etc. please contact

For updates on the March 29th demonstration check our website at and

For info. on the March 15th demonstration please see (only in Polish but a report will be done in English).


Zawartość tego pola nie będzie udostępniana publicznie.


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