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«Poniedziałek Październik 12, 2009»
Amadeu Casellas is moving into a drinking strike on top of his hunger strike that lasts already 86 days. He is an anarchist prisoner who has spent 25 years in jail, five more than the maximum dictated by the law. He was sentenced to maximum prison for stealing. Essentially Amadeu is a conscientious individual who collectivised resources from the rich and the capitalists and put it at the service of social movements in the 1980s. Today Amadeu still represents a model for many of us and a danger for the system. Despite there being an obligation by law to end his imprisonment because he has served his full sentence, the Spanish authorities (specially those from the Government of Catalonia who have the responsibility to sign the end of his sentence) still want to keep him in prison. He is not going to tolerate this and he is going to fight the system and specially the penitentiary system till the end. Freedom for Amadeu NOW! Spanish Government wants to kill Amadeu, he is going to die very soon. LET'S STOP IT NOW! Comrades, Compañeros and Compañeras, please: Let us demand Amadeu's end of prison next Monday October 12 at 12'30 pm (peak time around the area and at the office) Delegation from Catalonian Government in the United Kingdom 17 Fleet Street EC4 London
W poniedziałek, 12 października 2009 o godzinie 14:00 w Domu Kultury Rakowiec, przy ul. Wiślickiej 8 odbędzie się specjalna sesja Rady Dzielnicy Ochota w sprawie Bazaru Banacha. Chcemy ładnego bazaru, a nie kolejnych bloków. Przyjdź, posłuchaj, zabierz głos. Od NASZEGO zaangażowania - mieszkańców Ochoty i Warszawy, zależy dalszy los Bazaru Banacha. Nie dajmy się pomijać w istotnych sprawach. Społeczny Komitet Obrony Bazaru Banacha bazar-banacha.pl