
Few days ago, on 16th of May, in the evening, an antifasciscist activist was attacked by two nazis, with clear intentions to kill him. They have been following him, and, suddenly one of them steped in front on him and used a pepper gas on him. Then the other one stabbed him in his back with 30cm long knife. Maciek fell on the ground and was kicked by the nazis for a while, with them shouting "We'll kill you, you leftist motherfucker!".

Maciek was taken to the hospital and underwent serious life-saving surgery (when he got to the hospital the doctors said that his condition was "critical"), and now is recovering. He still is not 100% OK, he still has blood in his lung. He says that he is sure that the attack was due to his personal data recent appearance on a nazi site called "redwatch". Redwatch is a web-site that have existed for several months now and it promotes the idea of "killing the enemies of the race" and the organization behind this is a very radical neofascist "Blood and Honor". The problem is that Maciek didn't have medical insurance, so that he may be forced to pay up to 20.000 PLN (5.000 euro).

We are collecting money to help him pay for his treatment. We kindly ask for your help. Please, send money to this account with a note "For Maciek":

mBank PL81 1140 2004 0000 3202 3517 7247
katarzyna jankowska
BRE Bank S.A. Retail Banking, al. Mickiewicza 10, 90-050 Łódź
SORT CODE- 11402004

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