G8: Block G8 in Georgia


Tomorrow on June 7th, 2007 in Tbilissi, Georgia the initiative group "Block G8!" organizes an action of solidarity with the protests against the G8-Summit in Heiligendamm. Public viewing of the newscasts from the independent g8-tv will take place in the central Republic Square. Print and
photo materials will be distributed. The action starts an 7 p.m.

"We condemn strongly the unseen repression of German police against the legitimate protests of thousands who want to block the G8-Summit. Global
processes prove that capitalism is devastating and creates unfreedom. The problems we have here in Georgia with low wages, social exclusion,
privatization of public services and nationalism, which does not contradict but in fact legitimizes the liberal capitalism, are similar to those present worldwide both in the so called "industrial" and the "developing" countries.
So, people protesting in Heiligendamm to block and deligitimize the G8, are fighting also for the realization of our rights. And with our action here in Tbilissi and our protesting against neoliberal politics in Georgia we want to support them and show that the struggle against capitalism must be carried out globally", says one of the activist of the initiative group.

A big screen will be put on near the building of the former "Iveria"-Hotel in the center of the city to have public screenings of the news from the
independent g8-tv-casts. "We are also working to organize the screening of the live-streems, which starts at 0 a.m. local time", says another
organizer. "Georgian media demonize the protests as "anti-globalist" and "right wing". In fact, on June 4th the clip from the action of "Kein Mensch
ist illegal" ("Nobody is illegal") on the private Rustavi 2 tv-station was commented as if the protesters would demand throwing out of foreigners. So, we need to spread out more information." During the action print materials
will be distributed and foto-coverages from Heiligendamm-protests screened.

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