
A court session in case of temporary arrest of Agu Chidi was finished on 14th of July. Agu was arrested after a murder of Maxwell Itoya on a day of 23th of May at the Warsaw market close to the Stadium. Three accusation were brought on him – assault for police, escape cooperation and trade of illegal trademark goods. None of them were supported by sufficient evidences, so there were no reason for this heavy arrest of Agu Chidi. According to Agu’s words, he was caught by police unexpectedly, fall on the ground and arrested. He was not a witness of Maxwell’s murder, he did not take part in the riots caused by his death and he did not sell illegal goods.

There is a huge supposition, that this arrest was not justified and keeping him in the prison for 51 days was a police’ manifestation of power and force which might have an aim to intimidate other foreigners in case they want to testify on police’ disadvantage.

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