Anarcha-Feminist festival in Romania July 6-7

2007-07-06 05:00
2007-07-07 05:00

INVITATION FOR LOVEKILLS ANARCHA-FEMINIST FESTIVAL #2 - LOVEKILLS Collective was born out of the anarcha-feminist zine called LOVEKILLS. During the years this zine made people from the local d.i.y. scene understand the involvement of women in anarchist movement and their influence upon it. In the beginning the LOVEKILLS Collective was made only for the developing and improvement of the zine; which is still the only anarcha-feminist zine from Romania and it is dealing with issues that women are facing in the romanian society as well as in the d.i.y. scene; many articles are about women in anarchism (from both the ideological and practical point of view). In time we realized that writing a zine is for sure not enough. Although the d.i.y. scene that we are part of is very small, sexism is present at its highest level, so this is how the idea of organizing an anarcha-feminist festival arouse. Our possibilities in matter of finance and space are limited but we are doing anything possible to put our ideas in practice. Our fellows
from Romania as well as those from abroad expressed their enthuziasm and are willing to support us.

LOVEKILLS anarcha-feminist festival wants to be an open space for boys, girls and of course queer. The aim is chalenging for discussions and debates about the double oppression that women are facing each day due to the customs, traditions and prejudicies of patriarchal society which develops feelings of inferiority through its authoritarian relationships, feelings of fear and terror because of the constant threat of sexual harassement, asault, abuse; feelings of culpability because of the agressive religious dogma; feelings of being exploited through exhausting hours of work in society and at home; fatphobia and other body image issues because of the beauty standards violently imposed every day and so on....

We have the strong belief that by disscussing and changing experience we are able to develop more efficient ways of fighting against patriarchy and all the eyesores that are coming with it.

The festival will take place on the 6-7th July in Timisoara (West of Romania). During the two days of festival there will be workshops, concert, exhibitions and video projections.

Anyone who is interested in taking part at this happenings wheather it is about presenting a workshop/documentary/exhibition, performing, playing, bringing a distro or anything else please contact us for more details as soon as possible. We are also hoping that you give us suggestions and ideas.

Any kind of support is welcomed.

Contact us :

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