Antyszczyt i forum anarchistyczne - Helsinki

2006-09-08 00:00
2006-09-11 23:00

International anarchist meeting in Helsinki 8th -10th of September

Participation to any events requires a prior registration by e-mail. Changes to program are very likely.

We attempt to organise a home accomodation for any guests, but they will be given in an order of registration, with a quota for guests from abroad. Free accomodation will be provided also for those for whom there is no space in home accomodation, but this will be in a squat so it is of little comfort and with a risk factor. If someone is more interested of hostels, we may look for them but they are also not hard to find from internet on your own.

Meeting is alcohol- and drugfree. Food will be available in event with affordable price. Propositions for new discussions and workshops are welcome, we will try to arrange spaces for them.

in order to register, to ask more information or to propose a workshop, write to anarkistinentoiminta AT

Friday 8th of September

6 - 9 PM
-Street medics training
-Feminist self-defence

9 PM
-Opening event and information on Saturday's action

Saturday 9th of September

11AM - 1 PM

-Discussion on relation of anarchism to private property
-Reports on activities in different cities and countries
-Movie screening "A year of sisterhood" - feminist actions in Stockholm
2003-2004. 40 minutes excerpt in Swedish, English subtitres.
-Fuck your gender! An introduction to inappropriate behaviour

1:30 PM - 3:30 PM

-Anarchist take on ASEM and international economic system
-Movie screening "Refusing to be silent" on persecution of animal rights
activists in USA. SHAC 7 defendants may face years of prison for
speaking against Huntington Life Sciences corporation involved in animal
testing. In English, hopefully with Finnish subtitres.

3:30 Lunch

17:45 Smash ASEM - demonstration from Kiasma square. Black bloc feat. Asa.
Check out

Sunday 10th of September

Planning of future actions

Finland, A call to protest against ASEM summit in Helsinki 9th-11th of September 2006

From 10th to 11th of September sixth ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) summit will
take place in Helsinki, it will be the biggest top level meeting ever organized
in Finland. There will be delegations from all EU countries and 13 East-Asian
countries. Besides heads of the states and the governments, there will be 2000
delegates in the summit. The priorities of the Helsinki summit are "Support for
the multilateral international system", "Addressing security threats (including global health threats such as the avian flu) ", "Questions related to energy
security and climate change ", "Support for a conclusion of the negotiations
on the WTO/DDA", "Questions relating to globalization, competitiveness and
structural changes in the global economy" and "Intercultural dialogue".

Blowing up 13 million euros for common portraits and noncommittal
resolutions without a doubt appears to elites of Finland and EU worth of the
price. It is hard to imagine global capitalism of today without two floor
system, where mass production is carried in countries where authoritarian
governance guarantees low cost of labor. One does not find human rights in
list of priorities of ASEM. Today EU elite does not even pretend to
influence to human rights situation in Burma, China or Vietnam, except when
blackmailing even more suitable conditions for investments. Cheaper the
consumer goods "multilateral international system" may provide to
inhabitants of the western countries, more it may allow them "democracy",
"human rights" and clean environment on an exclusive basis. It is also
crucial for elites of the western states to minimize dependency from section
of the Western labor for which it has not bearable work to offer. But during
top-level summits, we are asked to give up our illusory freedom, and to
submit to police and surveillance everywhere.

Maintaining "multilateral international system" becomes even more difficult.
We heard news about peasants and sweatshop workers rioting all around China
on almost a daily basis. The least we can do together to support them is to
bring at least a bit of disorder to streets of Helsinki as well.

Dongzhou coalition

(From 6th to 7th of December 2005 peasants were battling People's Army of
China in village of Dongzhou in coast of Southern China. 10-20 villagers
were killed).

In parallel to protests against ASEM, there will be an anarchist counter
summit in Helsinki from 8th to 10th of September. From 8th to 9th of
September there will be an open event presenting anarchist ideas and
projects for everyone, and in Sunday there will be planning for future
actions. Our demonstration against ASEM summit will take place in
Saturday evening, place and time of the convergence will be announced
later on.

This far, following working groups are planned for the anarchist meeting

-First aid in demonstrations
-A discussion on anarchism and private property
-Planning of international steal something-day
-Activity in workplaces
-Prisoner support work
-Anarchist publication projects
-Counter activities against summits during rest of the Finnish EU
and against independence day banquet 6th of december

Any propositions for workshops and discussions are very welcome!

Registration is obligatory for participation to anarchist meeting
- in order to register, to ask more information or to
propose a workshop, write to

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