Baker Has to Pay Because he Helped the Poor


"Only in Poland!" people sigh when they hear such idiotic stories. The story of a baker from Legnic, Waldermar Gronowski, is a well-known example of the outrageous behaviour of the state.

Gronowski owes 245,000 zloties to the tax authorities. It is more than 80,000 USD, a fortune for most people in Poland. Why did Gronowski get it trouble? Did he earn money that he didn't declare?

Actually, Gronowski got in trouble because, he decided that at the end of his day at the bakery, he would give away unsold bread to the poor and homeless. And in Poland... you have to pay VAT on that.

It could be even worse. The tax authorities have no idea really how much bread he gave away. If they had evidence, they might even charge him more.

Gronowski's problems began when the city gave him an award for his actions. When he got this award, the tax office heard of his activity... and decided to audit him.

Because of the problems with the tax office- Gronowski had to shut down his bakery. Gronowski has been appealing the decision of the tax office, but with no success.

Since these problems started a couple of years ago, the law has changed, But Gronowski still owes this tax.

Gronowski, for some time after he closed his bakery, was unemployed himself. Now he works on building sites.

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