Baltic Anarchist Meeting in Tallinn
Estonia's capital Tallinn will simultaneously host two international gatherings at the end of May. On the 25th of May, both the spring session of NATO's parliamentary assembly and the first Baltic Anarchist Meeting will start.
The aim of BAM 2012 is to exchange experience and improve co-operation between anarchists from the Baltic Sea region. Although the focus will be on the Baltic area, like-minded people from other places are welcome aswell. The three day event will have a number of lectures, presentations, discussion panels etc. On the 26th of May an anti-NATO demonstration is planned in the city center.
The exact programme is still being worked on, which means there is quite a lot of space for more lectures and workshops for people who want to speak at the event. Also we'd be glad to find more participants for panel discussions, on topics such as fighting neo-nazism in Eastern Europe, opposing NATO in post-Soviet countries, spreading anarchist ideas to a wider public without losing its true face, etc.
Free accommodation and vegan food will be provided to everyone outside Tallinn. More information can be found on the BAM 2012 website ( ) or via our new e-mail address bam2012/at/