Benefit wege jedzonko dla Rafała górskiego

2009-09-21 20:00
2009-09-22 01:00

Dziś w Amsterdamie w Joe's Garage na Pretoriusstraat 43 o 20.00
W programie także muzyka folkowa na żywo
[2night a'dam] Benefit voku for Rafal Gorski at Joe's Garage
ex-beukenweg cooking brigade - 21.09.2009 15:30

As almost every monday the ex-beukenweg cooking brigade will serve nice vegan food at the new joe's garage for 3€ or donation. All benefits will be destinated to many different social causes and struggles, if possible giving some flyers and general info about the organisations or events we are supporting with each voku.

Place: Pretoriusstraat 43, Amsterdam.

Price: 3€ or donation.

Day & Time: Today at 20.00 H.

Benefit for: Rafal Gorski, Anarchist activist and writer living in Poland.
(+ info

We are cooking in this location at least 3 mondays per month. If you wanna contact us, just send an e-mail to doitwithpaint at

*Tonight there'll be also some live folk music!!

Cheers, DIY & (V)
ex-beukenweg cooking brigade (now homeless cooking brigade).

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