Blackmail Regarding Strike at PKS Gostynin


Workers at PKS Gostynin went on strike to protest the proposed privatization of the bus company. They said that they preferred its communalization and local authorities announced that they were prepared to take over the company using municipal funds.

In the end, the State Treasury sold off PKS bus companies in several cities in Mazovia - but PKS Gostynin was not privatized. However, the local authorities then declared that they were "reconsidering" taking over the company.

The local politicians explained that the financial situation in the company had taken a turn for the worse - due to the strike.

The attitude and actions of the local authorities can only be understood as some sort of blackmail, leverage to be used against the workforce. It is unclear whether the local authorities will resign from their idea to take over the company or just will continue to play cat and mouse games and try to impose austerity measures on the workers.

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