Fascist shitheads protest with moronic racist slogans - anarchists get arrested


On March 21 – the International Day against Racism - fascist morons from NOP (Polish National Rebirth, the Polish arm of the international Third Positionists) decided to hold a demo against immigrants and for a white Poland.

About 100 assholes mobilized – and 300 anarchists and antifascists counterdemonstrated. The police surrounded the anarchists and arrested two people for supposedly assaulting an officer.

Photos tell a different story; one of the arrested was even on crutches after an operation and got knocked to the ground by police. The activists were clearly just picked up because they got isolated or couldn't run away and the police wanted to arrest somebody.

Now there are special “24- hour courts” in Poland (!), so the whole trial is already over and Michal from Torun and Michal from Warsaw were sentenced to two years’ probation and ordered to pay 150 zl. each to a special fund for the widows of policemen.

Human rights groups which were on the spot were scandalized by the fact that the assholes who were shouting racists chants and sieg heiling were not even ID-checked since it’s actually against the law to do such things in Poland. (Of course that doesn’t mean people pay attention to it. ) It has to be pointed out that it is quite usual for the police to do ID checks on anarchists and other protestors as a regular part of their harrassment. Not that I share the same “law and order” mentality as some of the human rights activists, but it was clearly a deliberate choice to ignore the fascists.

Both activists will appeal the court decision.

Despite the fact that many witnesses came forward on behalf of the arrested, the new 24-hour courts only allowed one witness to testify.

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