FAU Berlin Press Statement


 In front of court after victory The FAU has won the process about union freedom

The Berlin Higher Regional Court has lifted the injunction banning the FAU Berlin from calling itself a union.

The judge Neuhaus emphasized the importance of free speech as a fundamental right. He called into question the claim of the Babylon Cinema that it suffered damages, during the time the FAU was active as a Union. The question of being able to negotiate contracts was irrelevant.

In December, 2009 the management acquired an injunction banning the FAU Berlin from calling itself a union or grassroots union. The FAU being the union with the most members among the workforce had presented a labour contract to the management.

Lars Röhm (Secretary of the FAU Berlin) said: “We are happy that it was not possible to proscribe the strongest and most active union from the cinema. The court decision enables militant unions to be active. In addition it has shown that injunctions can not be sufficient as a means to settle a labour dispute”.

The Freie ArbeiterInnen Union - FAU (Free Workers Union) is an anarcho-syndicalist grassroots union that stands for militant labour struggle from the bottom-up.

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