Festiwal zinowy w Wilnie 15-17.05

2009-05-15 11:00
2009-05-17 11:00


DAY #1
(look here for a poster: http://www.flickr.com/photos/yesfuture/3458416705/)

Where: Sereikiskiu park
Start 16:00
Open air library
Free market
Tea cocktails
Food not TV
Presentations and talks
Acoustic'n'hip-hop madness (bring your instrument/your voice if you
want to participate in it!)

Where: TBA
Start 19:00
Screening of the film "$100 & A T-Shirt DVD: A Documentary About Zines
in the Northwest" + a pie

Where: xi.20
Start 21:00
- Farmers Boulevard (allschool german hardcore)
- Usplesk (Molodechno/Vilnius - music from the very hell)
- Gousli Noise ("Stauropygial Records")
+ maybe someone else

DAY #2
(poster: http://www.flickr.com/photos/yesfuture/3471478942/)

(DIY maps as a means of critics of capitalism/ a way of exploring &
creating reality)
Where: Non-profit art space Artkor (S.Konarskio, 37)
Start 12:00
- 'What's cool about counter cartography?' - short introduction to the
- Exhibition of map projects
- Workshop on GIS & making collaborative maps
- Making an anarchist city map (and why not to prepare info about your
- Discussion: 'How could we explore and map migration and borders in
Eastern Europe? How could these topics be represented in zines?'
Then we invite you to visit a concert which take place as a part of
LadyFest Vilnius (www.ladyfest.lt)
Where: Havana Social Club (Šermukšnių str., 4a)
Start 21:00
- ANATOMIE BOUSCOULAIRE (rock'n'roll from Paris - www.anatomiebouscoulaire.com)
- IVA NOVA (extreme girl folk from St. Petersburg - www.iva-nova.ru)
- DIVA SCARLET (indi/alternative from Bologna - www.divascarlet.it)
- ZIMBABWE (ska&punk/ Vilnius - www.zimbabwe.hardcore.lt)


DAY #3
Start 12:00
At the banks of Neris river, near the White Bridge
Guerilla gardening, moss graffiti and seed bombing;)
Workshops at various places:

- Making zine-wallpaper
- Making zines on bodies
- Making "secret" zines

Where: xi.20
Start 21:00
Fireandash (yo ho ho and a bottle of rum - www.myspace.com/fxa81)
Egor 1-2 (aerobics guru)
Nobel (cyclohexane breaks -www.djnobel.pdj.ru)
Szhmoltz (nude power pop - www.myspace.com/schmoltz)

This program is still to be edited and updated. If you have any
proposals, questions, want to help & participate - feel free to write!

aggrrrh [at] riseup.net

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