Fight US Plans to Build a Missile Base in Poland

English | Militaryzm

Let's Stop US Missile Defence in Europe

As the Polish Campaign Against Militarism enters it's final preparations for next week's demonstration against the proposed US missile base near Slupsk, Northern Poland, we once again appeal to all anti-militarist campaigns and colleagues worldwide to stand with us on March 28th and 29th as we stage the first demonstration against the latest US military expansion.

Solidarity vigils have so far been confirmed at Polish embassies and consulates in Prague, Washington, Moscow, London, Berlin and Hamburg. A demonstration will also occur at Fylingdales (spy base) in England.

Recent developments

During Polish Prime Minister Tusk's recent visit to Washington to meet Mr. Bush, leading US peace groups and academics submitted a letter of protest rejecting the aggressive nature of current US foreign policy and the proposed missile defence elements for Europe.

We are working hard here to counter recent efforts by the US based Missile Defence Advocacy Alliance (MDAA) to fool Polish people into thinking that more missiles are beneficial for their country's security and their own personal welfare.

The pesident of the Slupsk region would do well to learn from the brave example of Czech mayors, including Mr. Jan Neoral, the Mayor of Trokavec where the radar is expected to be built, who have respected the wishes of their fellow citizens by rejecting US military expansionist plans.

The myth of Iraq war profits

Pro-US missile base politicians claim US analysts believe the construction of the ' missile shield' interceptors will mean investment to the value of $2 billion over the next 10 years in the region of Slupsk. Similar claims of enormous profitability were made prior to Poland's participation in the Iraq war. However, this turned out to be a myth.

Leading Polish daily newspaper Rzeczpospolita reported on March 20th 2008 that of the $2.2 billion Polish firms believed they would gain from their government's support of the US/UK led disaster, in fact they only filled their pockets with $410 million in war time contracts.

The cost of the Iraq war to the Polish taxpayers, on the other hand, has to date been around $800 million. And yet Polish nurses, doctors, teachers and miners amongst others continue to have to march on the streets of Poland demanding their government give them a decent wage.

Get Up, Stand Up - Don't Give Up the Fight

We appeal to international activists to register their protests against increased militarisation attempts at their local Polish consulate or embassy on March 28th and 29th or any other relevant site.

Related Link: link

Polish Campaign Against Militarism
Polish Media Contacts: 0509058651 / 0887524465 / 0662535719
International Media Contact: 0048 607340093
email: or

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