Gaidar Dead, Balcerowicz Back to Life


Yegor Gaidar, the doctor of shock therapy, is DEAD. Gaidar helped create Russia's shock reforms in the early 90s and also was involved in the thieving privatization schemes which eventually created the rule of the oligarchs.

One bloody shock therapist down. But on the anniversary of Poland's introduction of economic reforms, Leszek "the Vampire" Balcerowicz is back, complaining that the Tatcherite bastards in government are simply not hard enough. According to Lesz the Vampire, we should put up the retirement age, which he refers to as "no big sacrifice". He also claims that we need to speed up the privatization of everything and that there is no reason to create jobs in "Poland B". (Poland B refers to smaller cities in Poland.)

Finally, Balcerowicz criticizes the "myth" that there need to be collective agreements and wants to get rid of unions. The one thing he says about unions that we agree with is that there are some interest groups which you cannot come to an agreement with. (Of course by this he means that capitalists cannot agree with.)

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