Huelga indefinida en la mina Budryk, petición de solidaridad

Inne języki

Os hacemos llegar una petición de solidaridad del Comité de Huelga de la mina Budryk.

Los mineros están en huelga desde el 17 de diciembre pasado y han pasado las navidades ocupando la mina, a menudo junto a amigos y familiares.

En pocas palabras, la situación es la siguiente: aunque la mina es rentable y la productividad por obrero es la doble a la media de Polonia, los salarios son de los más bajos en el sector. Cuando el Estado (su propietario) decidió que quería traspasar esta mina al grupo JSW (también
de propiedad estatal), les recordó que sus salarios continuarían siendo los mismos: inferiores a los del resto de trabajadores del grupo.

La dirección se niega a negociar con ellos, y esta situación se ha alargado durante meses. Ahora que los trabajadores se han puesto en huelga, no están percibiendo ningúnsalario, por lo que sus familias se están resintiendo gravemente, más teniendo en cuenta las fechas en las que estamos. Los huelguistas piensan que la dirección intenta agotar a los trabajadores económicamente y así acabar con las movilizaciones, de manera que el Comité de Huelga ha decidido lanzar una petición de ayuda.

Por favor, difunde esta petición. Si quieres más información, quieres que traduzcamos una carta de solidaridad del inglés al polaco o quieres contribuir a su caja de resistencia, por favor ponte en contacto con ZSP-Varsovia (Unión de Sindicalistas-Varsovia, organización libertaria):
(Traducido al castellano para A-infos)



To Waldemar Pawlak, Minister of Economy
pl. Trzech Krzyży 3/5, 00-507 Warszawa
CC to:
fax (24) 235-24-22
CC to: fax.: (022) 694 17 73

We are writing in support of the demands of the miners from Budryk to receive pay equal to the miners from JSW EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY! There is no justification for such pay discrimination.



To Waldemar Pawlak, Minister of Economy
pl. Trzech Krzyży 3/5, 00-507 Warszawa
CC to:
fax (24) 235-24-22
CC to: fax.: (022) 694 17 73

We have read about the case of the striking Budryk miners and totally support their demands for equal pay. Their wages must be increased immediately as such discrimination is a clear violation of their rights to equal pay for their job.


To Waldemar Pawlak, Minister of Economy
pl. Trzech Krzyży 3/5, 00-507 Warszawa
CC to:
fax (24) 235-24-22
CC to: fax.: (022) 694 17 73

We are writing in solidarity with the workers who have been on strike at the Budryk mine since Dec. 17th. All workers deserve equal wages for equal work; this is usually guaranteed in all European countries. Therefore, their demands are totally justified.

We demand that this discrimination be ended immediately.


Letter one

Jan Bury
Secretary of State
fax /+48 22/ 628-88-69

We are writing in solidarity with the workers who have been on strike at the Budryk mine since Dec. 17th. All workers deserve equal wages for equal work; this is usually guaranteed in all European countries. Therefore, their demands are totally justified.

We demand that this discrimination be ended immediately.

Letter Two

Jan Bury
Secretary of State
fax /+48 22/ 628-88-69

We are writing in support of the demands of the Budryk miners. They deserve equal pay to their colleagues in JSW!

To the Minister of the State Treasury

Aleksander Grad
fax /+48 22/ 628-19-14

We are writing in solidarity with the workers who have been on strike at the Budryk mine since Dec. 17th. All workers deserve equal wages for equal work; this is usually guaranteed in all European countries. Therefore, their demands are totally justified.

We demand that this discrimination be ended immediately.

To Mining Bureacrats

Mining Department
Director - Aleksandra Magaczewska
fax (+ 48 22) 693-40-32

We are writing in solidarity with the workers who have been on strike at the Budryk mine since Dec. 17th. All workers deserve equal wages for equal work; this is usually guaranteed in all European countries. Therefore, their demands are totally justified.

We demand that this discrimination be ended immediately.

To Budryk

KWK Budryk S.A.
43-178 Ornontowice
skrytka pocztowa 29
ul. Zamkowa 10
fax. (032) 235-51-17

We are writing in solidarity with the workers who have been on strike at the Budryk mine since Dec. 17th. All workers deserve equal wages for equal work; this is usually guaranteed in all European countries. Therefore, their demands are totally justified.

We demand that this discrimination be ended immediately.


Letter One

Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A.
ul. Armii Krajowej 56
44-330 Jastrzębie Zdrój
Fax: 032 47 62 671

We are writing in solidarity with the workers who have been on strike at the Budryk mine since Dec. 17th. All workers deserve equal wages for equal work; this is usually guaranteed in all European countries. Therefore, their demands are totally justified.

We demand that this discrimination be ended immediately.

Letter Two

Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A.
ul. Armii Krajowej 56
44-330 Jastrzębie Zdrój
Fax: 032 47 62 671

We are writing in support of the demands of the miners from Budryk to receive pay equal to the miners from JSW EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY! There is no justification for such pay discrimination.

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