Info on arrests in Greece


ARRESTS (from 06/12/08 to 21/12/08)

Arrests: 246 - detained/ pretrial custody: 66

ATHENS: 50 immigrants arrested in the first three days of the uprising sentenced to 18-month imprisonment in trials without interpreters and may be deportated, (every other day arrests are occuring, the picture is still blurry). Also on 7/12, 7 arrests were made for misdemeanors [one minor will be judged on 29/01 and 6 adults on the 26/06] on the 9/12 2 arrests were made and a regular trial date was set, on 11/12 5 people were imprisoned [ 3 Greek citizens and 2 immigrants] and 15/12 they imprisoned another 4 people (according to the blog for the ASOEE squat). On 18/12 they arrested 8 persons accused of crimes (according to word from comrades).

THESSALONIKI: 21 Arrests (3 minors will go to court on 13 February 2009 - the others, mostly foreigners are convicted and none are in custody, but the number is most likely higher - according to the blog of the ASOEE Squat).

KOZANI: 34 Arrests (the 3 in custody are: Ziampras, Papadimitriou, Mark - in Grevena prison - is seriously injured with a burn to the nose from teargas, and was transferred to hospital in Athens - according to lawyers, comrades and the blog of ASOEE Squat).

PTOLEMAIDA: 7 Arrests (according to lawyers and comrades).

LARISA: 25 Arrests under terror laws [i think!] (17 students - 4 adults in custody - Koridalos prison- according to lawyers and comrades).

PATRA: 21 Arrests (9 minors, no one in custody - according to word from comrades).

CHANIA: 6 Arrests (no one in custody - according to word from comrades).

IRAKLION: 22 Arrests [11 parents for child neglect (!!!!!), 7 minors (with 4 being required to see the commissioner for minors once a month), and 4 adults of which 2 convicted have restrictive bail conditions (1500 euro guarantee for each, with fees that amounts to approximately 2200 and mandatorily seeing the police twice a month) - in accordance with word from comrades).

VOLOS: 6 Arrests (5 minors to be tried on 26 February - the adult sentenced to 2 years and 10 months suspended sentence, released on bail for Euro 1000 - according to media).

RETHYMNO: 1 Arrest (on 15/12, a minor was arrested and his father was prosecuted for child neglect - neither are in custody - according to media).

Kavala: 2 Arrests (one on 8 / 12 and one on the 10/12 - no one detained - according to word from comrades).

KASTORIA: 1 Arrest of a minor (fined 4,500 euros for damage - not detained - according to media).

ZAKYNTHOS: 6 Arrests (5 minors released under restrictive conditions and will be tried on the 19 March - no one detained - according to word from comrades and the media).

RHODES: 18 Arrests [7 were arrested 08/12 (on bail), 10 on the 09/12 (two minors, three high school students, three uni students and two workers, free on bail € 5,000 and the adults showing up once a month to [the department], the minors to turn up once a month to the commission for minors) and on Thursday 10/12 they caught a 17 year old for throwing a Molotov at the court house, he was held until yesterday (Wednesday 17/10) when he was freed (the arrest was based on video from the mobile phone of the witness). Prosecutions also made by the city of Rhodes, with allegations of child neglect against the parents of minors - according to the media].

No arrests were made in the following cities where clashes took place, marches/rallies or simple protests:

Serres, Chalkis, Ioannina, Veria, Xanthi, Komotini, Alexandroupolis [according to comrades of those cities].

Drama, Trikala, Karditsa, Florina, Chios, Mytilene, Corinth, Kefalonia, Lamia, Agrinio, Nafpaktos, Naousa, Syros, Amfissa, Samos, Corfu, Arta, Kalamata, Sparta, Tripoli, Missolonghi, Tower, Igoumenitsa. [according to the (local) media and indymedia].

The presentations were several thousand and are therefore impossible to calculate, thats why they're not reported.

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