International Antifascist demonstration against the nationalism


Antifascist Alliance Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Press release

*International Antifascist demonstration against the German Nationalist Party (NPD) march on June 2nd 2007 in Schwerin*

With the slogan, “Against Fascism and Capitalism – For a World without Borders!”, antifascists from Germany and beyond will protest against the
planned right-wing extremist march on June 2nd 2007 in Schwerin.

On this day, the regional leader of the German Nationalist Party (NPD), Stefan Koester, previously convicted for grievous bodily harm, has registered a march with over 1000 Neonazis from the whole of Germany.

The reason for this right-wing extremist demonstration is the G8 Summit from 6th – 8th June in Heiligendamm. For some time now, Neonazis have been trying to jump on the bandwagon of the alterglobalisation movement.

During the regional elections last year, the NPD, supported by right-wing thugs, took up the theme in their flyers and pamphlets. “With simplistic
explanations an anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, the right-wing extremist party sought to
diffuse the fears of the population about globalization in their own interest.

Over 7% of the population voted the NPD into the Schwerin Parliament”, says Gerhard Hahn, spokesperson for the “Antifascist Coalition
Mecklenburg-Pommerania”. Also, the first right-wing extremist demonstration after their formal entry to Parliament, which took place on May 1st in Neubrandenburg, had this thematic focus.

“This development has to be stopped. On June 2nd we will hold a resolute demonstration to prevent nationalists, anti-semitists and Holocaust revisionists from spreading their misplaced anticapitalism to a broad public”, explains Gerhard Hahn. Further he says, “Our aim is to make visible the anti-fascist character of the alterglobalisation movement and our ideas for an
emancipatory society in which there is no room for right-wing perspectives to have a presence on the streets.”

Meeting point for the antifascist demonstration on June 2nd is 10am at the Spieltordamm (the north shore of the Pfaffenteich).

contact Antifascist Alliance Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

contact International Press Group "Media G8way"
+49 16092437902 (Alex Smith)

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