İstanbul & Hamburg: Protests in front of deportation and detention centres


There was an action on 26th September in front of the Hamburg immigration office, which is also a kind of "reception" and deportation center. The reason was to present a new project, "Infomobil for refugees and migrants", which will start next tuesday to support those who come to Hamburg to get their rights.
There were speeches and music, and we talked with some refugees. Among them, there were two Afghan women, who have been in Pagani prison, one of them during the time of our noborder camp!
You finde more about our action and project (except the flyer only in
German) on:

Protest Action Today against Migrant Detention Centre
in Ýstanbul.

On 26th September a group from Ýstanbul Rhythms of Resistance samba band and from the Resistanbul network (The Coordinatýon of Resistance Days against the ÝMF and World Bank meetings in Ýstanbul) staged a solidarity protest action and a press conference in front of the Yabancýlar Misafirhanesi (Forgiener Guesthouse) or migrant detention centre in the Kumkapý district of Ýstanbul.

This detention centre was the scene of recent revolts and other acts of
resistance by the migrants imprisioned there.
For background information on this see:

The demonstration went well in terms of response from the migrants who
came to the bars of the prison windows and also in terms of press
coverage and the responses from the people who live in the neighbourhood.
When we have had a chance to rest, I will post more links to coverage of the action.

The original call out for todays actýon can be viewed here:

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