Kenyan agricultural workers strike


July 20, over 300 workers of Vegetable Production Kenya Limited (VEPRO) farm in the South Lake area in Naivasha (northwest of Nairobi) went on strike to protest against low wages and poor working conditions. They vowed not to return to work until their grievances were addressed by the management.

A demonstration was held outside the main gate of the farm and workers set up camp there. However riot police were brought in to quell the protest.

The workers accuse the company of reneging on a deal struck between management and the Central Organization Kenya Plantation Workers’ Union (KPWU) in June under which they should have received an 11 percent pay increase backdated to August last year.

They also protested that they are not given protective clothing and must work with harmful chemicals.

This is the third farmworkers protest in the Naivasha in this month. More than 1,500 workers employed at the Aquilla and Karuturi farms were involved in strike action over poor pay, working conditions and harassment by management.

The area is known for its many flower production facilities employing over 50,000 workers. The flowers are produced primarily for the European market. Workers have been complaining for a long time that there are poor safety standards in the greenhouses, in particular related to the use of chemicals.

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