
On July 29, some people with different political views were arrested. They are suspected in involvement in an protest action in Khimky city near Moscow the previous day. Among them is well known libertarian activist and antifascist Alexey Gaskarov. They are charged without any proof in organization of attack against city administration building. The defendants face up to 7 years of prison on charges of «hooliganism» and organization of mass disorder. New arrests are
taking place. It is obvious that the authorities try clearly to discredit and to crush oppositional movements in Russia.

We call libertarian and antifascist activists of whole world to show
solidarity with arrested anarchist comrade.

What can you do?

1) To send protest faxes and e-mails to address:

Khimky city court of Moscow Oblast
141400, Khimky
ulica Leningradskaya, 16
fax: (495) 572-83-14

To: President of Khimki Court
Mrs. S.B. Galanova


At present, Your court is examining the case against social activist
Alexey Gaskarov.
Alexey Gaskarov was arrested on July 29 on the street by officers of
«Center E»: in this case, the basic rules of detention under the law
on the police were violated. Hiis apartment was searched in violation
of established procedures, without a warrant, compiling an inventory
of seized property, and without witnesses. Suspicions and accusations
against him (organization of the attack against the city
administration building in Khimky on July 28, 2010) are entirely
groundless, and that manifested itself at the first meeting of the
court. Allegations that he was arrested at the scene in Khimky is a
lie. The so-called witnesses clearly lie and confuse the hearings.

Under these conditions, we can not assess the arrest of Alexey
Gaskarov and this trial another as a purely political process, as an
outrageous act of repression and violation of civil rights. We
strongly protest against this lawlessness and intend to organize a
broad international campaign of protests against the new
manifestations of authoritarianism and dictatorial tendencies in

We demand the immediate release of Alexey Gaskarov and dropping all
charges against him

Name of organization, date, signature


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