Macedonia: Solidarni z Grecją

Świat | Ruch anarchistyczny

13 grudnia anarchiści z Macedonii zorganizowali demonstrację solidarnościową z grecką rebelią. W stolicy kraju, Skopje pod ambasadą Grecji zebrało się ok. 20 osób. Zwykłe w Macedonii demonstracje pod grecką ambasadą są demonstracjami nacjonalistycznymi, pełnymi nienawiści do Greków. Ale tym razem demonstracja miała charakter solidarnościowy, chodziło o wsparcie dla greckiej rebelii.

Poniżej publikujemy list protestujących do greckiej ambasady.

To the government of the Republic of Greece,

We condemn the methods you use to cope with the current situation, by ignoring the struggles and the demands of the most progressive part of your society.

Obviously, the broad dissatisfaction of the people is caused by your constant efforts to privatize the education, restrict the working rights and to rise the prices of life products, thus pressing many people towards the edge of existence. All this was accompanied by the marginalization and discrimination of the most helpless groups, the immigrants, and the ethnic, sexual and other minorities. That has led to what you now say is hooliganism.

You, as the government of the Republic of Macedonia as well, by using outrageous manipulation and marketing tricks, distracted people and defocused their attention from the real problems and poison them with nationalism, ethnocentrism and hatred.

Many are afraid of the possible escalation of violence. The fear is just, but the only one responsible for that would be the state apparatus. The state apparatus has all of the needed sources and is trained for using violence as a method for practicing your politics. In fact, there has been only one victim so far - the pupil that was killed by the police. The police is the one which is trying now to exercise power on unarmed people. The fact that the state apparatus is not accepting its responsibility for the current situation is supported by the continuous misinformation of the public, and even more, by the alliance with neo-nazis and ultra rightists. It is an ultimate perversion to introduce members of the radical right as "worried people, protecting their property".

We protest against all the relations which cause human beings getting humiliated, oppressed, abandoned and ignored. It is a responsibility of everyone to stand for progress, to stand in solidarity and to support every progressive movement as much as possible. This responsibility is supranational and recognizes no borders. That means that the progressive one in Macedonia has the responsibility for the condition of humanity in Greece and vice versa. Solidarity is the crucial activity method in that direction. Hence, we express full support and back the demands of those who today are struggling for dignity and freedom.

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