More tenants actions against the cutting off gas


Tenants from Warsaw, 29 listopada St. thought they proved that gas shouldn't be cut off from their house. Tenants' Defence Committee has the expert opinion from gas company and promise on video of administration that gas installation is OK and won't be cut off. Problem is mayor of downtown Warsaw who wants to make this misery.

Tenants received new notice about gas and made a visit to administration. Television came and showed that, according to gas company, all is OK, so the mayor's pretext about gas installation being "dangerous" is just not true.

Tenants and Defence Committe make the watch against the city to prevent cutting off gas and made the occupation action. After action at administration, police received "anonymous call" about one person active in the action that she produces illegal alcohol in her flat. It was of course not true but caused that their was police action. It is typical revenge and repression.

Small film (in Polish) is here:

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