Okna Rabien's Strange Games with Workers


Last year, Okna Rabien window factory near Lodz fired 249 local workers and replaced them with workers from the Phillipines and other less expensive employees. Currently there is more trouble in the workplace.

Okna Rabien recently announced that they would like to hire new workers. When workers saw the ad, they noticed that the salary for new workers was somewhat higher than what many of them were being paid.

People who decided to ask the boss about this and get a raise we fired. A few dozen people have already lost their jobs.

Workers at the warehouse working the nightshift were being underpaid anyway. When the problems began, it came out that they were not being paid the proper wage for work at night. After being dismissed from the warehouse, workers were told they could be rehired on the production line, but for less money.

The workers see that the firm is hiring new workers is replace the ones fired and they suspect that the firings have to do with getting cheaper workers and taking retribution on those who were cheap but asked for a raise.

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