Poland: the occupation of the Market Square in Cracow!


Against evictions, charging the costs of the crisis of society, such as direct democracy under such slogans began the occupation of the Market Square today in our city. The action will continue without a break for a week.

Live coverage http://fakrakow.wordpress.com/2012/05/21/trwa-okupacja-rynku-glownego/

The impulse given to the occupation of tenants, who for years were Leading the nose by the city in large-scale public consultations organized under the banner of the Housing Round Table. Despite initial promises of the authorities, none of the city authorities did not take into account the opinion of tenants on issues that directly affect them.

Therefore, from 16.00 yesterday began the occupation of the Market Square. Near the monument of Mickiewicz was broken six tents. Starting at 16 permanent organization of the camp, and later discussions, a meal, live music or playing volleyball. To share with the people joined the Anarchist Federation, Krakow squats, collective Food Not Bombs and samba collective SambyKa.

The protesters invite everyone to market with support from the mattress, with a tent, with food, drinking, with a good word - the occupation began and continues!
Today in the capital of Poland there is an organization meeting to occupy Warsaw, the capital and the biggest city in Poland starting in 2 days!!!

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