Polish-based Irish anti-war activist deported from the U.S.


As well as a a ploughshares acquittal to his name Damien Moran now has the privilege of being sent packing on a one-way flight from Chicago airport to Warsaw just 5 hours after he had landed.

Moran stated that he was "immediately detained and questioned by Homeland Security officers about our Ploughshares action at Shannon in February 2003 where we did $2.5million damage to a U.S. Navy plane."
More info. here(WarOnTrial)

He continued: "I informed them about our action and acquittal with pleasure. They were none too pleased. When the idiotic Officer Bock shouted out that deportation was the least of my problems I decided there was no point of pushing his buttons too far. I made my anti-war statement, explaining that I was en route to visit my brother in Virginia, then planned going to Colorado Springs and Nebraska to speak at anti-militarism conferences/panels and demonstrations."

Moran says that he has lost $350 dollars in flight expenses while the Global Network (www.space4peace.org) Against Weapons in Space that invited him have been setback over $1,000. Compared to the U.S. spending on the Iraq war, over $2 trillion, it's a drop in the ocean. But the fascists that control U.S. borders couldn;t give two shits about wasting working citizens and peaceful organisations finances.

Related Link: Peacenikhurler

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