Wroclaw: Demonstration in Support of the Greek Revolt


On Sunday night in Wroclaw there was a demonstration in support if the events happening in Greece organized by local anarchists. About 70 people gathered on the main square. Candles were lit under a portrait of Alexandros.

One of the participants explained the reasons for the protest - police brutality, state repression, media manipulation and the injustice of the capitalist system. "There are people for which money and property are more important than human life and suffering. These are people in high positions who think they are intellectually great but are morally inferior. The revolt in Greece is a revolt against the system that favourizes those people for whom profits and money are more important than human life," she explained.

Then a member of the Union of Polish Syndicalists (ZSP) described the economic background which led to the social explosion in Greece. He stressed that Greece may be the weakest link in the EU right now but the economic crisis that is effecting Greece is global and is also effecting Poland. "Soon in Lower Silesia alone tens of thousands of people will lose their jobs. And just like in Greece, the government will think only of saving banks and corporations, normal people will be left with a mound of debt on their backs. So we ask - will Polish workers and students give up and just shrug their shoulders again, or will they take an example from the Greeks who questioned the political and economic system on the streets. They already know that nobody has to be accountable to a weak society."

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