Demonstration in For Warsaw Squat


April 17 there was a demonstration in support of the Warsaw squat Elba. The company that owns the building, Stora Enso recycling, wants to destroy the buildings and eventually sell the land.

The squatters are trying to nicely convince them not to do this, but what do companies like this care?

The Elba squat has existed about 5 years. It started out on one side of the street where there were several buildings but the owner tore all of them except one down - so the squat moved across the street in 2006. They have a fresshop, bicycle workshop, space for meetings and space and a wagonburg.

Is it possible to get more

Is it possible to get more infos about the demo itself ? how many people, how it was ? Just an healthy walk or something else ?

About 100 people. How was

About 100 people.
How was it?
Personally I thought it was average and reflected the real state of the movement. People mostly stood passively. There was one or two speeches, little emotion, engagment or chanting. Very relaxed, lifestyle anarchist atmosphere. Highlight was a performance by samba which for me reflects the attitude of people on demos in Warsaw - we don't prepare anything, we don't do anything, but hope that samba shows up to entertain us so the demo isn't too boring. At most we hope our friends show up so we can chat with them.
There was no "walk" - people were standing in front of this building in the middle of nowhere.
People have got to do better than that if they want to defend the squat.

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