Dzień Solidarności z Grecją

2009-01-24 20:00

24 stycznia - dzień akcji solidarnościowych z Grecją


As a group of people who came from many countries and who took part in the
struggles in Greece over the past weeks, it is now clear to us that there
is no such thing as a "Greek problem", that the situation that sparked the
intense riots here is the same that the people are facing everywhere
abroad. The murder of Alexandros Grigoropoulos on December 6th was not the
source of this conflict, it only opened and made more clear a conflict
that was already ongoing not only here but everywhere around the planet.

In these unstable times, fearing the threat of a deeper, more global
movement of insurrection, the authorities have shown their weaknesses in
their protection of the dominant capitalist order. Through the enforcement
of anti-terrorist measures, tightening of social control, crackdown of
different areas of resistance, mass arrests, targeted assassinations, the
illusion of democracy is falling and the veil of social peace is starting
to burn.

The more the State is taking a defensive stance, the more it is time for
us to stop fearing its retaliation and to go on the offensive. It is not
the time to withdraw into fear, which would lead us further into a
dangerous social peace, but the right time for multiplying the offensives
and intensifying the struggle against capitalism and its State,
coordinated with the revolt that is happening here.

The core of these events being that we are in a state of war, the only way
to get through it is to assume it and to take the offensive even further.
That is why we are calling for a global day of actions on January 24th for
you to carry out and perpetuate the revolt, to increase the instability.
It is NOT a call for you to support the Greek people, but for you to take
action where you are.

The 24th of January will be a day of demonstrations and actions all around
Greece in support of the prisoners fell in the hands of the system during
this struggle. Wherever you are, let's attack this system that is
oppressing us all !

From Saloniki, Greece



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