On arrests after direct action in Khimki 28th of July


Today (30th of July) names of two activists, arrested in related to criminal
case on “hooliganism” after attack against city administration of city of
Khimki in Moscow region 28th of July were published in maintream news –
Aleksey Gaskarov and Maksim Solopov.

We will not now remind about details of corruption and violations, connected
to construction of new Moscow – St. Petersburg highway through Khimki forest,
or the protest campaign against it, as you may read about all of this in our
website in respective section. Obviously, these arrests were just yet another
confirmation of the pathetic unity, which was recently reached between
regional and federal authorities, big business, local police and right-wing
football hooligans, which all together protected against eco-camp of those
protesting the clearing the forest from the highway.

Aleksey Gaskarov is a libertarian socialist, who during many years was one of
the most active people in the movement in Moscow region. Maksim Solopov is a
leftist, not an anarchists, but besides disagreements he proved him self to
be a trusted comrade in anti-fascist struggle. Aleksey and Maksim are one of
the few people in Russia, who publicly, with their own faces, supported most
determined means against Nazi mayhem and excesses of the authorities in the
country, take for example this program from REN-TV:

As a result, Nazis were threatening them plenty of times, and now
apperently “Center of Counteraction Against Extremism” of the Moscow Region
decided to deliver them a blow.

We demand immediate release of Aleksey Gaskarov and Maksim Solopov, no matter
if they participated to action in Khimki 28th of July or not – those fighting
corruption and excesses of the authorities are not hooligans, but heroes!

Free Aleksey Gaskarov and Maksim Solopov!

(For working links, photos and video, go original version at

One of these people is a

One of these people is a well-known social activist and we are in solidarity with him:

An other is Stalinist "antifa"



In the morning on July 29, libertarian antifascist Alexey Gaskarov was arrested on the street by people in civilian clothes and taken to an unknown destination. As it turned out they were employees of the so called “Anti-Extremist Center" of police. They broke most of the rules, which are described in the Law. That night at his apartment was searched without a warrant or any other providing paper, there was no inventory of the property and witnesses.

Alexey is known in social amnd libertarian circles of Moscow and is opposed to violence and pogrom-style actions. He was never seen in the nationalist speeches. Therefore, it is clear that imposing on him the blame for the attack on the building of Khimki administration, during which slogans of national-patriotic nature were shot, the authorities try now to discredit the independent social movement.

Alexey is charged under "hooliganism". On July 31 the process began, and Alexey can obtain until 7 years of prison!

We encourage to disseminate this information and to protest.

Freedom for Alexey Gaskarov!


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