Russia: Another anarchist arrested in Tyumen


Pawel Slobodchikov was arrested in Tyumen yesterday. He was taken from the university building by the Center for Combatting Extremism. He was arrested in connection with the same case as the two comrades arrested last month - alleged nasty graffiti left on a military recruitment office on April 1 2008.

Pawel has a lawyer and he has refused to make any statement to the police. He is going to be held at least 48 hours.

The comrade was released

The comrade was released having spent 2 nights in jail. He was not tortured. He is suspected of the same "vandalism" charges for graffiti as the previous 2 anarchists arrested.

However charges against 2 previous anarchists were not pressed in time,
so apparently the case is collapsing. Thus this new arrest in Tyumen was
either a desperate measure of cops to gain some evidence, or just
regular terrorizing of opposition without even an attempt to make up a
criminal case.

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